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[Notice] 11/22 Unstable Server Connection Notice

Greetings, Survivors.


Due to the spike in user connections after the v1.7 Update,

there have been instances where server connections were weak.


Continuous loading seemed to occur while entering contents,

so we have proceeded with expanding our server.


Please check down below for more information.



『 11/22 Unstable Server Connection Notice 』


 Issue Details

 - Continuous loading when logging into the game and entering contents


 Measures Taken

 - To provide a more stable server, we have started expanding the servers beginning 05:30 (PST).



We thank you all for the love and support, 

and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


We will continue to monitor the process post-update and take measures to mitigate any other issues.


Thank you. 

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