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[Notice] 6/20 Known Issues

Greetings, Survivors.


We would like to inform all Survivors about the issue found
after the v1.14 update.


Please check out the details of the issues down below.



6/20 Known Issues



1. Issue where there is a server error when trading Jun-hyuk's Survivor's Note in the Frontier Trading Post (✅ Issue Fixed 6/20 01:40 PDT)
- Issue: When certain amount of unclaimed mails have accumulated in the Mailbox,
a server error issue occurs when attempting to trade Frontier Loot for Jun-hyuk's Survivor's Note in the Frontier Trading Post.
- Actions: We have identified the cause and are preparing to fix it.


2. Issue where a Survivor's Alignment is indicated differently in the <7-Day Login Event>
- Issue: Mercer(Bystander)'s Alignment is shown as Predator in the 7-Day Login Event.
- Actions: We have identified the cause and are preparing to fix it.


3. Issue where Alignment Gear buff stats are not applied
- Issue: Gears from Legendary to T2 are not applying the Alignment buff
- Actions: We're currently identifying the cause of the issue and will fix the issue once found.


4. Issue where the character icon is displayed on a gear with no Alignment buff in the Legendary Gear Enhancement page.
- Issue: In the Legendary Gear Enhancement page, a Legendary Gear with no specific Alignment is displayed with a T3 character icon in the outcome section.
The enhanced gear does not have the character icon. The icon is only displayed on the preview of the outcome gear in the enhancement page.
- Actions: We're currently identifying the cause of the issue and will fix the issue once found.


5. Issue where item's icon is displayed as Supply Run's strategies
- Issue: After making a strategy exchange in the Expert mode of Supply Run, items sent to the inventory briefly shows the icons of the strategy.
- Actions: We're currently identifying the cause of the issue and will fix the issue once found.


6. Issue where further progress isn't available in the Supply Run after stopping by the Suspicious Peddler (✅ Issue Fixed 6/22 07:25 PDT)
- Issue: Issue where further progress isn't available in the Supply Run after making purchases in the Suspicious Peddler with Gold Bars less than a certain amount.
- Actions: We're currently identifying the cause of the issue and will fix the issue once found.


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience,
and we will work diligently to ameliorate the known issues above to provide a better gaming environment.


Should additional issues come up, then we will notify everyone
as soon as possible through this notice.


We thank you for your patience.

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