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Survivor Showcase (4): Alpha

Hello, Survivors!


The Walking Dead: All Stars is full of unique and charming characters.


Today, we would like to showcase the cruel, charismatic leader of Whisperers: Alpha.


In The Walking Dead: All Stars,
Alpha is one of the Predator-alignment survivors and a strength-type tanker.


Alpha naturally takes less damage from all intelligence-type enemies.
Plus, she can strike down to deal damage, reduce the enemy's attack and defense,
and increase her attack and defense, all at the same time.


Alpha can also grant a shield to an ally by tossing a poncho made out of human skin.
Human skin poncho. For real.
It may sound and look absolutely horrible, but it surely is effective!


Her enemies are completely out of luck when Alpha decides to throw a bottle of blood at them.
Walkers will appear and begin to violently attack them.
It’s basically every survivor’s worst nightmare!



Her cruel and psychopathic side may leave you skeptical,
but Alpha’s set of great skills will help you survive in this deadly post-apocalyptic world.


That's it for today's post! Stay safe until the next time!



[Teaser for the Next Post]


Tomorrow, we will be showcasing another survivor on Dev Note.


When their health drops low, he/she generates a smokescreen to recover,
and later rejoins the battle stronger than ever!


It is one of the original characters from the comics,
and I assure the fans can get hyped up for some amazing P.O.G moments!


Can you guess who it is? Take a look at the silhouette and give it a shot!


Leave us a comment down below and share your guess with us!


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All-Stars 101 Post

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