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All-Stars 101: World

Hello, Survivors!


Today we are back with our newest series: <All-Stars 101>,
where we will be guiding you through the main contents of our feature-packed game!


We will be introducing all sorts of content details relevant to
the <World Tab>, <Survivors Tab> and <Explore Tab> in the game.


On this episode, we will be focusing on the <World Tab>
introducing world lore, world map, and auto search feature!


Let’s dive right in!



[World Lore]

The Walking Dead: All Stars tells a captivating story about
various groups of survivors who settled down in Buffalo, New York.
Here, they struggle to stay alive in the grim post-apocalyptic world.


As you progress within the game and travel to different parts of the Buffalo region,
you will be joining each survivor on their compelling journey!



[World Map]


The <World Map> is where you can see the entire Buffalo region.

You can access the <World Map> by tapping on
the compass icon on the top right corner of the World Tab.




You see these numbers marked on the World Map?
Each represents the location of each ‘chapter’.


Curious about the fate ahead of you?
Simply tap on a chapter number to get a preview!


Here, you will be able to check out the synopsis of the chapter story,
as well as the newly acquirable rewards!
Plus, you can see the list of other players in the chapter!


[Chapters & Stages]


The most essential part of The Walking Dead: All Stars
is clearing new chapters with your strategic combination of survivors.


Each chapter has its own breath-taking theme and storyline,
and each consists of multiple stages that get increasingly challenging.


There are currently over 1300 stages in the game,
and many more will be added after the global launch!


Get immersed in the captivating storyline and the vivid surroundings
as you journey through each unique chapter!



[Auto Search]


After clearing each stage, you will be rewarded with resources,
which can later be used to strengthen survivors.


What if you get stuck though?
What if a stage is too difficult to be cleared just yet?
That is where the Auto Search feature comes in.


The Auto Search lets survivors constantly gather resources, even when offline!
The accumulated resources can be claimed when you’re online!


So even if it seems impossible to clear your current stage,
be patient and let time do its job - you will be rewarded!




That’s it for today’s post! We hope you enjoyed it!


Until the next time, stay safe!



[Trailer for the Next Post]


Tomorrow, the next episode of All-Stars 101 will be posted.


This time, we will be guiding you through
the <Town> of The Walking Dead: All Stars!


Make sure you don’t miss out on that!


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All-Stars 101 Post

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