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All-Stars 101: Explore

Hello, Survivors!


Welcome to the last episode of All-Stars 101!


Today, we will be introducing the Explore Tab.
Get hyped for some strategic combats and exciting explorations.
Gear up and protect your town from all kinds of threats!


Let’s dive right in!



































Are you ready for some cutthroat PvP actions?


Make your team the last ones standing
and earn points for the Frontier Rank!
Climb the ladder and get rewarded daily & seasonally!


There are two types of Frontier in All-Stars:
there’s the Frontier Outskirt (a single round fight),
and there’s the Center of the Frontier (three rounds fight)!


Prove you've got what it takes
by becoming the top player in your server!



[Camp Defense]


Yes, walkers are surely threatening in All-Stars.
But nothing is worse than a hostile group of survivors,
lurking around to break into your camp.


Camp Defense is where you’ll need to face these troublemakers.


Protect your camp from endless swarms of enemies,
and receive useful loot at the end of every phase!




[Supply Run]


There are some challenging raiders and bosses here at the Supply Run.
You’ll need to beat them to be rewarded with supplies,
but they will get tougher as you progress.


No need to panic though!
When raiders are defeated, you’ll get to choose a Strategy,
which can grant special effects to your team!


You might also run into individuals hiding from the raiders,
and they will lend you helping hands when needed!





Send your survivors on Dispatch quests
and receive useful rewards on their return!


Each quest has different grade and alignment requirements
for the characters to be dispatchable.


So, even if you recruit characters from your least-favorite alignment,
there’s really no need to feel too disappointed!
All characters will eventually shine through in Dispatch quests!



[Survival Record]


Here in the Survival Record,
you will need to progress through maze-like maps,
overcome obstacles with unique items,
and defeat enemies lurking in the fog!


Also, each Survival Record tells an intriguing story about different survivors,
and a special artwork will be unlocked once you complete the Record!
The enemies drop a generous amount of supplies, so it is super rewarding overall!



That’s it for the last episode of All-Stars 101.


Stay safe until the next time! 


[Trailer for the Next Post]


At last, The Walking Dead: All-Stars will be
globally launched on Wednesday, Aug. 30th!


So we decided to share some special tips for our
soon-to-be survivors tomorrow!


Make sure you don’t miss out on that!

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All-Stars 101 Post

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