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Meet the Ylfings


ID 3171

You probably never heard of us, how could you. But don't you worry you will! 

So before that, let me get you in on some thinks or two. 

Well, not long ago there was this lone warrior, Wolfgor. He started on an hunting adventure to smash some zombie heads. Pretty brave this one, if I my say. So there he was, wondering around killing zombies day after day after day. The time passed by and he started feeling lonely. All this killing made him wondering if he is enough. So after some beers he decided to make a clan for himself. More followers under his Banner, more heads to smash. And so he send word to all warriors and survivars out there, to come and follow his call in to Valhalla. And here my fellow friends the journey begins. The Ylfings-Clan was born. A brotherhood of lone vikings, all once alone against all ods, now united unter the banner of Ylfings. Now they hunt like wolfs, like a pack with a hunger that never ends. Determine to kill all zombie and bring glory to the banner. And if they die in battle, they shall meet again in Valhalla where the will feast and drink with the valkyries. 

They're numbers grow by the day, at the beginning there where only a hand full of the but now they are many…and all are relentless. 

So you go and tell them all, tell them that the Ylfings-Clan is coming and that whoever stands in their way will need more than a shild wall to stop them. 


And now you know about the Ylfings. Now you can prepare, if it's not to late. 


We will meet again my friend, in this life or in Valhalla! 



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