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v1.5 Update Details


Hello, Survivors!


Here is the patch note for the v1.5 update!


Before you jump into the game, please check out the details.



『v1.5 Update Details』



[New Survivor]

  • ▪️ Annie, a brand new Neutral character, has joined the world of The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
    • ▪️ Annie can be added to your Survivor Wish List.

▪️ Once acquired, she can be set as your profile icon.

▪️ You can meet Annie in World Stages, Camp Defense, Supply Run, Hidden Survivor, Unexpected Help, and many other parts of the game.



[New World Stage]

▪️ Chapter 33 has been added to the World Map.



[New/Updated Content]

1. Headhunt

(1) New Content: Headhunt

▪️ Headhunt is a special recruiting system where you can obtain a specific character you want from all alignments, including Overseer and Warlord.

▪️ Headhunt can be found in Recruit and will be available once you reach Chapter 16 in the World Map or VIP Lv. 13.

▪️ You can headhunt for characters using Gold Bars and Headhunt Tickets.

 - If you have both Gold Bars and Headhunt Tickets, Headhunt Tickets will be used first.

▪️ You can obtain your desired character and other rewards, including Legendary Gear, 40K Gold Bars, and Asyl’s Best Gear (Enhance Materials) based on a set rate.

  •  - If you fail to recruit your desired character, they will be guaranteed on your 70th attempt.


(2) Headhunt Ticket
▪️ Some items in Perks now include Headhunt Tickets.
▪️ You'll be rewarded with Headhunt Tickets in some of the All-Alignment Camp Defense Phases once you reach Phase 125.
 - Headhunt Tickets will be included as rewards every 10 Phases between Phase 125 and 235, and every 20 Phases between Phase 255 and 335.
 - If you've already cleared the corresponding phases, we'll send you the equivalent number of Headhunt Tickets in bulk.
 - There will be a separate notice with additional details.
▪️ Headhunt Tickets will be included as rewards starting from VIP Lv. 16.
 - If you've already reached the eligible VIP Levels, we'll send you the equivalent number of Headhunt Tickets in bulk.
 - There will be a separate notice with additional details.


2. Last Man Standing
*Last Man Standing will begin with a beta season first. This is so that we can make improvements before Last Man Standing officially launches.

▪️ Last Man Standing is a new PvP mode where the top players battle to see who is truly the best.
▪️ You can find Last Man Standing in Frontier, which will be available once Frontier Outskirts is unlocked.
▪️ Several servers will come together for this mode where groups are formed. In Last Man Standing, players will battle to come out on top in their groups.


<How to Enter>
▪️ The Top 10 players with the most points in the Center of the Frontier will be eligible for the Last Man Standing Qualifiers.
▪️ All characters in Last Man Standing will be rebalanced as follows.


LevelAdjusted to Lv.240
GearAdjusted to T1
Special GearNot Appllied
Personal GearNo Changes
GradeNo Changes
BondsAdjusted to max buff value

▪️ Qualifiers will be in a round-robin format with separate groups. Players with the most points will advance to the next round.
▪️ Finals participants will receive a rare Frame as a reward based on their results. Frame rewards are available at Proof of Mastery.
 - Enter the Last Man Standing menu before the start of the next season to receive your Frame Rewards.
▪️ The Knockout Stage is held in tournament format with the Round of 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Finals.


▪️ You can root for 1 player from the Last Man Standing Knockout Stage by placing a bet with Canned Food.
▪️ If the player you rooted for wins, you will receive double the amount of Canned Food.
Please note that your Canned Food won’t be returned if the player you rooted for loses.


<LMS Beta Season>
Last Man Standing is where the top players will be decided. Because of how high this mode is in terms of importance and general interest, we'll be running a beta season before the official launch.
Last Man Standing rewards won’t be given during the beta season, and its data will be reset once it ends.


Proof of Mastery rewards is not available.
▪️ You cannot claim rewards at Proof of Mastery during the beta season. Please note that rewards will be available once the official season kicks off.


Last Man Standing may temporarily shut down during the beta season.
▪️ If we come across any serious issues during the beta season, we may temporarily shut down Last Man Standing without notice. We'll be sure to keep you updated as soon as possible in case any issues come up.


Data for the Last Man Standing beta season will be reset once the official season starts.
▪️ Any wins or progress made during the beta season will all be reset once the official season launches.


Predict who you think will win it all!
▪️ To celebrate the new Last Man Standing update, we’re giving away Canned Food every day for you to make bets during the beta season! Place your bets on who you think is the best player!


3. Gear Reset
▪️ A new feature has been added where you can change the buff type for the Normal Gear you have equipped.
▪️ Please note that resets are only available for the Legendary, T1, and T2 Gear you have equipped.
 - Gear in your Inventory cannot be reset.
▪️ You can reset gear in the Gear Info pop-up menu. Gear Alignment Tickets are used to reset gear.
 - Gear Alignment Tickets can be obtained as Weekly Quest and Exchange Event rewards. They also come included when purchasing Perk items.
▪️ After the reset, you can select between the new buff and the previous buff to use as your final buff.


4. Character Info Screen
▪️ At the end of the battle, you can now view more detailed info on the CP and equipped gear of the characters you deployed.
▪️ Tap the Character Info tab on Combat Stats to check your opponent’s characters.


5. Personal Gear Update
▪️ Personal Gear has been added for Predator/Warlord Characters.
 - Personal Gear for Bystander Characters will be added in the next update.


6. Adjustments to Supply Run Difficulty/Rewards
▪️ Based on the Personal Gear update, Raiders in Supply Run can also equip Personal Gear (except Bystander Raiders).
▪️ To accommodate for this change, general combat difficulty in Supply Run has slightly increased, and Canned Food and Survival EXP rewards will also be boosted accordingly.



[New Supported Language]

▪️ Vietnamese has been added as one of the languages supported in-game. Survivors can now enjoy The Walking Dead: All-Stars in Vietnamese.




▪️ You can now enter stages that require you to organize multiple teams even when you only have one team ready.
▪️ With the Combat Adjustments feature, you can adjust team order for stages or modes that require multiple teams.
▪️ The Gear Info pop-up menu now displays up to the nearest tenths of your Gear Stats.
▪️ In cases where events require unlocking, no related pop-ups will appear until you satisfy them.
▪️ Personal Gear Stats are now displayed in the same order as Normal Gear Stats.
▪️ Unclaimed Survival Record rewards can now be claimed when you re-enter the mode.
▪️ Gunther’s Tactical Deploy animations have been made to look more natural.
▪️ The Raid icon has now moved from the bottom left to the bottom right of the World screen so that it can be easily distinguished from the Event button.
▪️ The reset cycle for Trail of Supply has been changed from 44 days to 36 days, which reduces the time between Final Rewards and the next reset.
▪️ The unlock requirement descriptions for Trail of Supply have been updated to increase readability.
▪️ We have added more descriptions to clarify where Tokens for each alignment (Personal Gear Enhance Material) can be used.
▪️ Zoey’s lines in Chapter 32 have been updated for better narrative flow.
▪️ Previously, the Top 50 players ranked in Frontier Outskirts could all be viewed at a glance. After the update, Frontier Outskirts will display the Top 10 players. Tapping the + button will allow you to view more players.
▪️ The text “View Ranks” on Frontier Outskirts have been updated to “Ranks."
▪️ Replays are now available even when you are on a different version of the game.
▪️ In cases where you've received your maximum Interaction Points for the day, a red dot will no longer be displayed, even when your friend sends you extra Interaction Points.




▪️ For Version 1.5, we've revamped the rewards for the 7-Day Login Event and Town Management Event.
▪️ The 14-Day Growth Support Event has been added, where you can receive rewards every day.
 - The event will be unlocked once you clear World Stage 9-10.
 - We recommend that you clear Stage 9-10 before the event starts.

▪️ The Warehouse Clearance Event has been added, where you flip matching pairs of cards.
 - Warehouse Keys can be claimed from Daily Quest Treasure Chests or purchased in Perks.
 - Warehouse Keys will be used each time you flip a card. Once you find a matching pair of cards, you will earn the rewards displayed on them.
 - A Candle gauge fills up each time you use Warehouse Keys. You can collect Candles once the gauge is full.
 - Candles obtained through the event can be exchanged for Global Launch Frames.
 - Candles can also be exchanged for characters, including Warlord Pierce and Overseer Michonne.
▪️ Event notices will be posted when each event kicks off.




▪️ Event Packs for Warehouse Clearance have been added.
▪️ Custom Packs have been updated.
 - The following options have been added to Custom Packs: Enhance Material (Personal Gear) and Headhunt Tickets.
 - The $34.99 Custom Pack has been replaced with the X Custom Pack.
 - Overseer/Warlord Characters have been added as options for the $99.99 Custom Pack.


[Character Updates]

(1) Alpha
▪️ When Alpha's Control skill summons 6 or more walkers, previously summoned walkers no longer disappear earlier than their duration.
▪️ The issue where walkers summoned using Alpha's Control skill or Personal Gear still looked reanimated even when their HP was 0 has been resolved.


(2) Rania
▪️ The issue where Rania sometimes stayed enraged even when all of her comrades have died has been resolved.


(3) Glenn
▪️ We've added the following Personal Gear description in regards to Glenn's Energy Drink
  “Once all drinks are consumed and replenished, the Energy Drink is also replenished.”


(4) Pierce
▪️ After Meal Prep knocked characters down, knocked down characters couldn’t get back on their feet until the end of combat even when the debuff was deactivated. This issue has been resolved.


(5) Michonne
▪️ Upon using Familiar Weapon for the first time, Michonne now changes her weapon and dashes toward the area with more enemies at the same time.
▪️ When Familiar Weapon restores the HP of comrades, an HP restoration effect will be shown.


(6) Denise
▪️ The issue where Denise’s Ultimate sometimes stopped battles entirely has been resolved.



[Game System Updates]

▪️ The issue where debuff duration reductions only affected duration but not frequency in terms of damage over time has been resolved.
▪️ The issue where opponent profiles were displayed inconsistently in Combat Stats has been resolved.
▪️ When blocking damage using Leader Rick’s Personal Gear effect or Glenn’s Emergency Evasion skill, Immunity is now properly displayed on the screen.
▪️ The issue where the game sometimes stopped at the end of combat after selecting "Booby Trap" in Strategy has been resolved.
▪️ Comrades can now use their Ultimates automatically in Practice Combat as intended.
▪️ The issue where the game stops when tapping the back button on devices or disconnecting from the network when obtaining Survival Record rewards has been resolved.
▪️ The issue when moving to a different tab before claiming a free item in Perks and then re-entering the menu with the unclaimed free item causes the red dot to display on a different item has been resolved.
▪️ The issue where items in Suspicious Peddler and Trading Post were sometimes not available has been resolved.
▪️ The issue where the Server Error pop-up screen was displayed when entering Frontier Outskirts has been resolved.
▪️ The issue where Combat Stats displayed the information at the time you left combat when re-joining has been resolved.
▪️ Replays will no longer stop the game after clearing Chapter 32.
▪️ The issue where stats would display abnormally when the device was set to a language the game didn’t support has been resolved.
▪️ When you receive Friend Requests, a red dot will now be displayed as intended.
▪️ The issue where the purchase attempts stopping the game after checking Suspicious Peddler Info (Supply Run), Gear Info (Trading Post), and Recommended Character Info has been resolved.
▪️ A red dot will now be displayed as intended to notify you of Pass Rewards you can claim in Perks.
▪️ The issue where the game would stop when resuming combat after using Denise’s Ultimate and pausing in Supply Run and Survival Record has been resolved.


Thank you.


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