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v1.6 Update Details


Hello, Survivors!


Here is the patch note for the v1.6 update!


Before you jump into the game, please check out the details.



『v1.6 Update Details』


[New Survivor]

▪️ Henry, a brand-new Ally character, has joined The Walking Dead: All-Stars.

▪️ Henry can be added to your Survivor Wish List.

▪️ Once acquired, he can be set as your profile icon.

▪️ You can meet Henry in Camp Defense, Supply Run, Hidden Survivor, Unexpected Help, and other content.

▪️ Henry can be added to a character slot for a Perk item.


[Expanded World Stage]
▪️ Chapter 34 has been added to World Stage.


[New/Updated Content]
1. New Skin
▪️ The 1.6 update features the brand-new Abraham skin, Wild Rider.
▪️ Once equipped, your character will sport a new look as well as different skill animations.
▪️ The new skin can be set as your profile icon.
▪️ The Wild Rider skin will be available at an early offer discount for 2 weeks.


2. Total War
▪️ Total War has been added to Community.
▪️ Total War will require Community members to work together to defeat powerful raiders. Users can earn rewards based on the highest amount of damage they've dealt.
▪️ All members of a Community are eligible for Total War, and each member will receive different rewards based on their contributions.


<How to Enter>
▪️ Community members can enter Total War once they clear World Stage 12-40.
▪️ Total War only allows you to deploy Training Grounds characters and Mercenaries.


▪️ Your team of 5 characters will go up against fierce groups of raiders in Total War.
▪️ A total of 4 raider groups await you in Total War, with each season featuring different enemies. (Each season lasts for 2 days.)
▪️ Rewards will be issued based on the damage dealt to these groups of raiders.


1) Advance Unit
▪️ High-ranked users in Training Grounds Level will compete with one another in the Limited Advance Unit Area.


2) Total War
▪️ All other users will battle in the Total War Limited Area.
▪️ Users will be placed in "Limited n Yard Areas" based on their Training Ground Levels. Users will be ranked within the same Yard Area.
 - Players in the same Yard Area will have the same Character Level.
 - Each Area is based on the following guidelines.

  •  - The average level of the player's 5 Combat Trainers will determine which Area the player is placed at if the level of the Training Grounds is 239 or less.
     - Players will be placed in an Area based on their level of the Training Grounds if it's 240 or higher.


#51 and belowDiamond/Gold/Silver/Bronze

▪️ After a season ends and calculations are complete, the following three rewards can be earned based on your Total War contribution.


1) Rank Reward
▪️ Each participant will receive Rank Rewards based on his/her individual highest season damage.
▪️ Conduct Manuals and War Points (Trail of War Pass EXP) are available as Rank Rewards.
 - Once a season ends, Rank Rewards will be sent to your Mailbox.


2) Community Reward
▪️ Challenger Points will be sent to Community members in Challenger Tier.
▪️ If there is a Community member who has earned Challenger Points, the rest of the Community will receive Community Rewards.
 - More Challenger Points equal more rewards for the Community.
 - Community Rewards are available for Community members who have cleared at least 1 Total War battle during the season.
 - Once a season ends, Community Rewards will be sent to your Mailbox.


3) Winner’s Loot
▪️ If there is a Community member who has placed in the Advance Unit, the rest of the Community will receive Winner’s Loot.
 - If there are 2 or more Community members who have placed in the Advance Unit, rewards will be based on the higher-ranked member’s records.
 - Winner’s Loot is available for Community members who have cleared at least 1 Total War battle during the season.
 - Winner’s Loot can be obtained from the Community menu > Winner’s Loot.


3. Winner’s Loot in Last Man Standing
▪️ If there is a Community member who has advanced to the Round of 16 in Last Man Standing, the rest of the Community will receive Winner’s Loot.
- If there are 2 or more Community members who have entered the Round of 16, rewards will be sent based on the higher-ranked member’s records.


4. Additional Phases in Camp Defense
▪️ Phases 501 to 550 have been added to Camp Defense.
▪️ More quests and Leaderboard Rewards have also been added to accommodate the update.


5. Updated Equation for Stackable Buffs
▪️ The final stats from stackable ATK/DEF buffs of Personal Gear will now be calculated using an equation that utilizes combined operations.
- Eligibility: Michonne/Rania’s Personal Gear


6. All Language Chats Available
▪️ You can now enter all supported language chats in the game.
▪️ You can enter the chat for your current language by tapping the list button on the left.
- For chats in languages other than your current one, you will be directed to a new channel every time you log in.


7. Increased Daily Limit for Interaction Points
▪️ Daily Limit for Interaction Points has been boosted from 20 to 40.


▪️ Enjoy the town of Asyl at night in celebration of Halloween.
▪️ When using the Skip function in Center of the Frontier, your ongoing battle status will now be displayed.
▪️ Frontier Points, which can be obtained in Frontier Outskirts, have been renamed to Outskirts Points.
▪️ Natural Rare can be transferred in the Front Gate > Transfer Survivor under certain conditions.
▪️ When entering Recruit, you will be directed to the Recruit tab that you have used previously.
▪️ The Character menu now features a Skill button where you can check skill information.
▪️ In the case there are any updates in Settings, a red dot will be displayed on your profile image.

▪️ A 7-Day Login Event has been added to celebrate Halloween.
▪️ Rewards from <Town Management> have been updated in the 1.6 update.
▪️ Exchange Items available in <Kyla’s Combat Test> have received updates in the 1.6 update.
 - The event will be unlocked once you clear World Stage 6-40.
 - Combat Token Chests can be earned in the Event Pack and Daily Perk items.
 - Henry’s Chat Emojis have been added to the list of Exchange items.
Once you obtain the Emoji Pack, you can immediately use a total of 6 different Henry Emojis in chat. (Available for permanent use.)
 - You can exchange the Tokens you've earned during events for Warlord Emily, Overseer Ezekiel & Shiva, etc.
▪️ Event notices will be posted when each event kicks off.


▪️ Trail of War, a new pass that offers rewards based on your Total War progress, has been added.
 - You can exchange the War Points you’ve earned from Total War Rank Rewards for items.
 - You can select one of the following rewards: Survival EXP (M), Conduct Manuals, and Canned Food Box (XL).
 - Before claiming your rewards (Both Premium/Free), you can select a different one by tapping [Change].

[Character-related Updates]
(1) Michonne
▪️ Michonne’s Bait skill effect was incorrectly applied to Glenn’s Energy Drink. This issue has been resolved.


(2) Alpha
▪️ Alpha’s Qualification skill exponentially increased Alpha’s ATK/DEF when facing Bosses with high ATK/DEF.
- The increase of Alpha’s ATK/DEF has now been capped.
▪️ Nature’s Blessing now has an additional condition; it triggers only when Alpha is present.


(3) Negan
▪️ When Negan used the Selected skill in a certain spot, its effect that pulled the target toward him did not function correctly. This issue has been resolved.
▪️ Charismatic Leader’s Lv. 3 effect did not trigger when Negan died. This issue has been resolved.


[Game System Updates]
▪️ Combat results of Survival Record and Successful Raider now display the actual results as intended.
▪️ The “Not enough materials. Cannot be enhanced.” pop-up won’t appear after enhancing Personal Gear for the first time as intended.
▪️ Enemy Sophia now uses her Ultimate on the enemy with the highest CP without exception.
▪️ When selecting rewards from the P. Gear Material Box in Trail of Supply, an item info pop-up appeared abnormally under certain circumstances. This issue has been resolved.
▪️ An incorrect description regarding the Trail of Supply Season Reset Cycle has been updated.
▪️ Total CP was shown as higher than it was supposed to be upon Ascension when using Mythical characters registered in Training Grounds. This issue has been resolved.
▪️ When you had 6 or more characters and ended up with 5 or less after Transfer, an error pop-up used to appear. This issue has been resolved.
▪️ When you had Headhunt Tickets before Headhunt was available, a red dot continued to display in the Recruit menu. This issue has been resolved.
▪️ A typo in the Militia Scout skill description has been updated.
▪️ We have resolved the discrepancies between the actual and replay Combat results in Frontier.
▪️ The 43,000 Custom Pack displayed the wrong amounts of Gold Bars and VIP EXP. This issue has been resolved.
 - We have sent more items based on the displayed misinformation to those who purchased the item.


Thank you.

Comment 14

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