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v1.7 Update Details

Hello, Survivors!


Here is the partch note for the v1.7 update!


Before you jump into the game, please check out the details.



『 v1.7 Update Details 』


[New Survivor]

 - Belle, a brand-new Predator character, has joined The Walking Dead: All-Stars.

 - Belle can be added to your Survivor Wish List.

 - Once acquired, she can be set as your profile icon.

 - You can meet Belle in Supply Run, Hidden Survivor, Unexpected Help, and other parts of the game.

 - Belle can be added to a character slot for a Perk item.


[Expanded World Stage]

 - Chapter 35 has been added to the World Map.


[New/Updated Content]

  1. 1. New Content: Underground Bunker
  2.  - Underground Bunker has been added to Frontier for a limited time.
  3.  - Underground Bunker is a new PvP mode where all users will have their character levels adjusted.
  4.  - You can enter Underground Bunker by spending Bunker Tickets. Battle Rewards can be obtained 3 times a day.
      * Winning will earn you more rewards.
  5.  - You can advance to a higher tier through battles and each time you reach a higher tier, you will earn rewards.
  6.  - Once a season ends, you will earn Bunker Points based on your final tier. Bunker Points can be exchanged for Frame Rewards.
  7.  - If a Community member has reached Challenger tier, the rest of the Community will receive Winner's Loot.
  8.  - There will be a separate notice before Underground Bunker is available.


2. New Survivor Record

 - Vol. 10 [Promise (Part.2)] has been added to Explore → Survival Record.


3. Exchange Item Update

 - Trading Post in Supply Run has received an item update: Survivor's Notebook (Andrea) has been replaced with Survivor's Notebook (Henry)

 - Trading Post in Frontier has added Survivor's Notebooks (Carl Grimes / Andrea / Brody / Tyreese / Sebastian / Laura) to its list of items.


4. Revamped Last Man Standing

 - The betting pop-up menu now displays clearer information regarding times and bets.

 - The win streak rule has been updated so that characters who win their battles will move on to the next one with only their HP intact.

  * The winning team's Energy, buffs, and number of deaths will be reset for the next battle.

 - Any battle that ends in a win by default due to no characters deployed cannot be replayed.

 - If there are no records in Proof of Mastery, the pop-up message [No records in this zone] will be displayed.

 - If you add a new zone but still have no battle records, the pop-up message [No records in this zone] will be displayed when you attempt to replay the battle.



  •  - You now only need an asingle team to proceed with a Raid regardless of your cleared stages.
  •   * Due to the 1.7 Update, your Raid team has been reset. Please redeploy your characters.
  •  - Users who haven't participated in a specific mode (Camp defense/Camp defense(Alignment), Frontier Outskirts, Leaderboard) will now be displayed as Uneligible Rank.
  •  - If there are no other Community Members who've received Winner's Loot, the message [No other user information found.] will be displayed.



 - The Mysterious Survivor Belle event has been added to celebrate the new survivor update.

   * You can try out the new character, Belle, in this event.

   * Please note that the new character will only be available in the Mysterious Survivor event, which means the character's Collection and Story rewards won't be activated yet.

   * The Mysterious Survivor Event features a total of 6 battles. Each victory grants you rewards.

 - The 14-Day Growth Support Event and 7-Day Survival Support Event rewards have been updated.

 - Event notices will be posted when each event kicks off.



 - Special Perk Packs have been added.

 - Camp Defense Packs have been added to limited items.

 - Survivor Growth Packs, where you can receive rewards based on the progress of your new characters, have been added.

   * Every time you advance your new character, the Claim button will be activated.

   * All free rewards can be claimed immediately. Premium rewards can only be claimed after purchasing them.

   * Animated Icons can be set as your profile picture in Info → Profile Settings once you've acquired them.

   * Survivor Growth Packs for Belle, Henry, and Brody have been added in the 1.7 Update.

   * Please note that each Survivor Growth Pack is available only for 60 days after its release.


[Character Updates]

(1) Michonne

 - When Michonne was targeted by the Loot Truck Boss' Backup Request skill in Total War under certain circumstances, all characters other than Michonne became frozen. The issue has been resolved.


[Game System Updates]

 - The game would sometimes display abnormally after Survival Record battles. This issue has been resolved.

 - A spelling error on the image of Special Gear Enhance Material has been corrected.

 - When claiming mail or battle rewards for the first time after booting up the game, pop-ups that displayed results for other content would appear. This issue has been resolved.

 - When entering Dispatch, there were sometimes instances of crashing followed by the pop-up message [Communication error with server. Reconnecting to server. (1)] This issue has been resolved.

 - Some icons for retrieved items did not display properly after users attempted to transfer a character. This issue has been resolved.

 - When changing gear on characters, previous gear was sometimes displayed. This issue has been resolved.

 - When entering Total War before calculation for a boss and the nest boss spawned while results were still being calculated, the battle results would display information related to the previous boss battle. This issue has been resolved.

 - The Stun effect for Abraham's Personal Gear was applied incorrectly when battling bosses in Total War. This issue has been resolved.

 - The second Backup Request skill of the Loot Truck boss in Total War now lasts 40 seconds instead of 30 seconds, as intended.

 - For modes with fixed character levels, the game would sometimes display incorrect levels. This issue has been resolved.

 - The red dot on the event icon will no longer appear when logging in if there are no events.

 - Users with weak internet connections were unable to enter the chat. This issue has been resolved.


 Thank you.

Comment 3

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