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v1.8 Update Details


Hello, Survivors!


Here is the patch note for the v1.8 update!


Before you jump into the game, please check out the details.


v1.8 Update Details


[New Survivor]

▪️ Malcolm, a brand-new warlord character, has joined The Walking Dead: All-Stars.

▪️ Once acquired, he can be set as your profile icon.

▪️ You can meet Malcolm in Supply Run: Hidden Survivor, Unexpected Help, and other parts of the game.

▪️ Malcolm is available from a Survivor Growth Pack. He can be added to a character slot for a Perk item.


[Expanded World Stage]

▪️ Chapter 36 has been added to World Stage.


[New/Updated Contents]

1. Additional Phases in Camp Defense

▪️ Phases 551 to 600 have been added to Camp Defense. 

▪️ More quests and Leaderboard Rewards have also been added to accommodate the update.


2. Bonded Warehouse

▪️ <Bonded Warehouse> has been added. It is a brand-new PvE mode that runs every four weeks.

▪️ It has 20 stages, and each stage provides three different missions.

▪️ Each stage features 3 different mission tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

▪️ Each time you complete a stage, you can get rewards based on your tier. When you complete all Bronze missions, you can earn the additional Final Select Reward. 

- As for Final Select Rewards, the number of rewards you can claim depends on the World Stage chapter you have cleared.

- Rewards improve as you reach higher World Stages.

▪️ Bonded Warehouse stages unlock in order based on a set schedule.

3. Revamped VIP Perks

▪️ VIP Perks have been adjusted to be more intuitive.

▪️ A VIP Perks tab has been added, allowing you to check additional buffs and benefits by VIP level.

▪️ Once you fulfill the requirements for a VIP level, you can purchase its respective pack only once.

▪️ You can claim the revamped VIP Level rewards from the VIP Perks tab. You'll still be able to claim the new rewards even if you've already claimed the previous ones.

- If you have any unclaimed rewards for VIP Levels you reached before the update, they will be sent to you separately.


4. Community Rank System

▪️ This new system challenges Communities based on the points collected from weekly Community activities.

▪️ Top 30 members are selected based on set conditions. Points they've earned from each mode are taken into account when determining Community Ranks.

- If community members are fewer than 30, all members are taken into account when calculating ranks.

- New members who have been in their Communities for less than 3 days are not eligible. New Communities created in less than 3 days are also not eligible.

▪️ Community Ranks are reset every Sunday at 12:00 (PST).


5. New Arrivals in Trading Post

▪️ Added Survivor’s Notebook (Inventor Eugene) to exchangeable items in the Trading Post.

- Once you have enough pieces to upgrade him to Mythical 5-star, the item will be replaced with Personal Gear Material Boxes (Choice) x25.


6. New Survival Record

▪️ Added Vol. 11 of the Survival Record, <Proof>. 



▪️ Last Man Standing - A "No records." message will now be displayed when you try to access the mode without having made a bet while betting is disabled.

▪️ Last Man Standing - Time left will now be based on "until the next battle."

▪️ Joint Combat - When using the Annihilation feature in this mode, it will now be shown on the Community Joint Combat Record.


▪️ Rewards for <7-Day Login> and <Town Management> events have been improved. 

▪️ New <14-Day Growth Support> and <7-Day Survival Support> events have been added. Get rewards by logging in daily.

- The unlock condition for 14-Day Growth Support has been changed from clearing Stage 9-10 to 7-30.

- 14-Day Growth Support rewards have been improved.

▪️ Improved rewards for <Basement Search> to accommodate this update.

- Search Reports you earn from this event can exchange for various items including a Warlord Eva and Overseer Jesus.

▪️ The Mysterious Survivor Malcolm event has been added to celebrate the new survivor update.

- You can try out the new character, Malcolm, at this event.

- Please note that the new character will only be available in the Mysterious Survivor event, which means the Character’s Collection and Story rewards won’t be activated yet.

- The Mysterious Survivor Event features a total of 6 battles. Each victory grants you rewards.


▪️ Added a Daily Perk Bundle, a pack that allows you to purchase all Daily Perk offers at once with a discount.

- Shown only when all Daily Perk offers have been unlocked.

- You'll be unable to purchase this if you've only purchased some of the Daily Perk offers.

- Free offers are not included.

▪️ Increased the number of Recruit Tickets (Rare) that are issued from Daily Perk offers.

▪️ Lowered the display condition of specific Daily Perk offers.

▪️ Added new Trail of Survival/Trail of Supply/Trail of War Passes with boosted rewards.

- After the v1.8 update goes live, you can access this upgraded pass once you've fulfilled the unlock requirement.

- If you are already using a pass before the v1.8 update, you can use both versions before your current pass expires.

- Existing passes before the update will be changed to Old Trail of Survival, Old Trail of Supply, and Old Trail of War.

▪️ Added Camp Defense Packs and Special Perk Packs at certain milestones.


[Character-related Updates]

(1) Michonne

▪️ Shield durability and effect will no longer display incorrectly when Michonne stacks two shields in Total War when they are removed by Chemist (Boss).


(2) Shane

▪️ The increased recovery effect of the Boost Morale skill will now be based on target teammates instead of Shane.


(3) Morgan

▪️ When a Morgan with +20 or higher Personal Gear equipped attacks Michonne, she will no longer die first when she has a surviving teammate.


(4) R

▪️ When Silent Threat (Lv. 3) shield effect activates, the "HP recovery effect" from Personal Gear Lv. 30 will now work as intended.


(5) Axel

▪️ The "Trust Me!" passive skill will work as intended if Axel misses HP.

[Game System Updates]

▪️ A red dot will no longer display continuously on the Perk tab.

▪️ A "cap reached" pop-up will now display correctly upon using an Alignment Survivor Ticket while your Survivor slots are full.

▪️ Enemies that have already been defeated will no longer spawn again when retrying Supply Run after failing due to timeout.

▪️ The issue resolved that displayed incorrect letters upon tapping the [Translate] button while the game language was set to Chinese (Traditional).

▪️ Character visual bugs will no longer occur in new Survival Record/Mysterious Survivor events when playing the game under certain device languages.

▪️ The 7th team setup button will no longer overlap with the team save button in Underground Bunker.

▪️ A user's Underground Bunker rank will now display correctly in the user profile.

▪️ A Survival Record clear pop-up will no longer display repeatedly.

▪️ Removed an error pop-up that displayed shortly after leaving and attempting to join a Community.

▪️  If you touch the back button of the device at the time of Raid Alert, the problem of not being able to touch the screen in the game has been corrected.

▪️ A Winner's Loot pop-up will no longer display incorrectly.

▪️ The issue resolved when selecting/expanding a general profile after viewing the animation profile details would expose the previously selected animation profile.

▪️ In the Last Man Standing match table, for animated profiles, the problem of profile pictures not being disabled after defeat has been corrected. 

 ▪️ A previously selected chapter background will no longer display in the World Map when you select a different chapter.

 ▪️ When a character dies during Survival Record, that character's portrait will no longer be disabled as intended in the Mercenary menu.

 ▪️ The issue resolved where a profile picture would be shown a little above its frame in chat.

 ▪️ The "Outskirts Points" text will now be displayed correctly in the Outskirts Main Quest instead of "Frontier Points."




Comment 6

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