1.14 Update Details

Hello Survivors!
Here is the patch note for the v1.14 Update!
Before you jump into the game, please check out the details.
v1.14 Update Details
[New Survivor]
: Dale, a brand-new Bystander character, has joined The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
: Dale can be added to your Survivor Wish List.
: Once acquired, he can be set as your profile icon.
: You can meet Dale in Hidden Survivor, Unexpected Help, and other parts of the game.
: Dale has been added to the Growth Pack and he can be selected from a character slot for a Perk item.
[Expanded World Stage]
: Chapter 42 has been added to the World Map.
: Library has been updated to accommodate this update.
[New/Updated Content]
1. Expanded Gear Upgrade
: Gear can now be upgraded up to T3.
: When upgraded to T3, gear will grant unique character-based buffs instead of Alignment-based buffs.
: To upgrade gear to T3, it must be Enhanced to Lv. 5, and it must be equipped by a character of the same Alignment.
└ Once upgraded to T3, the Alignment buff indicator will change to the character’s icon, and Enhance Level and Enhance EXP will disappear.
: Each character can only own 1 piece of T3 gear for each part.
: You can earn T3 upgrade materials from Community Trading Post, Reward Exchange Event, Perks, and other places after clearing Stage 28-60.
2. Revamped Supply Run
1) New Difficulty: Expert
: Added [Expert] difficulty to Supply Run, delivering bigger challenges and rewards.
└ The first season begins on 06/22.
: You can access the new difficulty after you clear World Stage 25-60.
: When entering the season for the first time, you can select either [Normal] or [Expert] difficulty. Once you enter, you cannot switch difficulties.
: Expert difficulty resets every 48 hours (each season), same as Normal difficulty.
: On Expert difficulty, only specific Alignments can engage in combat, and 1 debuff is added on each floor.
└ Debuffs and eligible Alignments reset every 4 seasons.
: If you do not play Supply Run, rewards (80% worth) will be added when you take on the next season.
└ Applies to Expert difficulty only.
2) New Supply Run Annihilation Feature
: Added Annihilation feature that allows you to instantly clear a Supply Run.
: Annihilation can be used to clear Supply Run 1F and 2F but cannot be used on 3F.
: Requirements to unlock this feature vary based on the difficulty and floor.
└ 1F Annihilation (Normal): Complete Stage 10-4 or reach VIP Lv. 6
└ 2F Annihilation (Normal): Complete Stage 17-40 or reach VIP Lv. 8
└ 1F Annihilation (Expert): Complete Stage 30-60 or reach VIP Lv. 10
└ 2F Annihilation (Expert): Complete Stage 36-60 or reach VIP Lv. 13
3. New Sources for Unknown Characters
: Added Survivor’s Notebooks for Unknown characters to events and the Trading Post so they can be obtained using in-game currencies.
: Collect 60 Survivor’s Notebooks to obtain that character.
└ Trading Post: Four weeks after a character's release, 15 Survivor’s Notebooks will be sold at the Frontier Trading Post.
└ Event: Four weeks after a character's release, 15 Survivor’s Notebooks will be sold (one time only) in Reward Exchange.
: Survivor’s Notebook (Jun-hyuk) can be obtained from Kyla's Combat Test and Trading Post → Frontier.
4. Stage Difficulty Adjustment & New UI
: To ameliorate the halt in Stage progress, diffculty adjustment system, which decreases the difficulty over time, has been added (Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 30).
: A UI which indicates the decreased difficulty over time has been added.
5. New Survival Record
: Added Vol. 4 [The Man in the Forest]. Accessible via Survival Record → Challenge Mode.
: You can obtain an Antique Compass, Special Gear for the Support class, as a Challenge Mode reward.
: Added a function allowing you to return to the spot where you deleted a character when you reopen the character list.
: When upgrading gear to T1, T2, and T3, the results pop-up will now only display the base value of stats before and after the upgrade.
: Added a new Survival Record, [Underground Tracks] (available exclusively during the event)!
: Enjoy revamped rewards for the 7-Day Login and Town Management Events in Version 1.14!
: Exchangeable items in Kyla's Combat Test have been revamped in Version 1.14!
L You can now exchange tokens earned from the event for Survivor’s Notebooks (Jun-hyuk).
: Check out the revamped controls and rewards for the Walker Cleanup Event in Version 1.14!
L You will now get a Slingshot, Pistol, Shotgun, and Sniper Rifle to wipe out walkers.
L Based on your chosen weapon, the grade of walkers that spawn will vary. Ammo for each weapon can be acquired from Daily Quest Treasure Chests.
L When you successfully take out a walker, its grade and the Cleanup Points you've earned will be displayed.
L Based on the number of walkers you defeat for each grade, you can earn rewards from Collection (Walker) and event quests.
L Collect rewards from the Cleanup Event Pass based on your total Cleanup Points.
L Added a control bar for Cleanup attempts on the Ready screen.
L Added an adjustable progress bar after you begin clearing walkers.
: To celebrate the new survivor update, the Mysterious Survivor Dale event has been added.
L You can try out the new character, Dale, in this event.
L Please note that the new character will only be available in the Mysterious Survivor event, which means the character’s Collection and Story rewards won’t be activated yet.
L The Mysterious Survivor Event features a total of 6 battles. Each victory grants you rewards.
: Added a new type of Perk - Incredible Perk.
L Now it's easier than ever to get the items you want.
L Look out for this offer when you achieve a goal in various game modes.
: Boosted the number of selectable rewards available through the Weekly Perk Pack and Monthly Perk Pack.
: Added the [Jesus Special] to perks available after accumulating 1,200 VIP EXP from purchases.
L Earn enough VIP EXP to access a perk that includes Jesus and a Loot Container!
: Added Mid-level Pack to Limited Items.
L Mid-level Pack will be available for 30 days in the Limited Items menu after clearing Stage 19-4.
: Added a new type of perk - Exclusive Perk - that new players will find especially helpful.
L Exclusive Perk will be available for 7 days after clearing Stage 6-10.
: Boosted the number of perk items for Kyla's Combat Test.
: Added Special Perks to accommodate stage difficulty adjustments.
[Character Updates]
(1) Sherry
Fixed a bug where when Sherry's Order skill was Lv. 3 or 4, its damage stack effect would also apply to her Ultimate.
(2) Andrew
Fixed a bug that caused Andrew's ATK to increase when he activated his Map Out skill, even though his Grasp skill had not reached Lv. 3.
(3) Jun-hyuk
Jun-hyuk's Ultimate animation effects have been adjusted for better visibility.
[Game System Updates]
: Fixed a bug that displayed the reset time as "-" after watching all Headhunt videos.
: Fixed a bug that activated the Level Up button when you tap a character in the Command Center after reaching Training Grounds Lv. 2.
: Fixed an auto deck settings bug that simultaneously added Unknown characters and their bonded characters when the Frontier mode is unlocked.
: Fixed a bug where Survival Record - Challenge Mode clear rewards were occasionally not received.
: Fixed a bug that prevented you from moving to the Command Center when you tap the Enhance Character Grade button after a loss.
: Fixed a bug where certain participants were not displayed on the Combat Stats screen after a battle.