v1.23 Update Details

Hello Survivors!
Here is the patch note for the v1.23 Update!
Before you jump into the game, please check out the details.
v1.23 Update Details
[New Survivor]
: Kane, a brand-new Predator character, has joined The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
: Kane can be added to your Survivor Wish List.
: Once acquired, he can be set as your profile icon.
: You can meet Kane in Hidden Survivor, Unexpected Help, and other parts of the game.
: Kane has been added to the Growth Pack and he can be selected from a character slot for a Perk item.
[Expanded World Stage]
: Chapter 51 has been added to the World Map.
: Chapter 51 has been included in the Library, accordingly.
[New/Updated Content]
1. New Survival Record
: Vol. 13 [Heaven and Hell] has been added to Survival Record > Challenge Mode..
: As a Challenge Mode reward, you can obtain Rangefinders, Special Gear for the Technician class.
2. New Feature: Bragging Notices
: With the new feature, you can now view Unknown Coin acquisition announcements of other users within the same chat server.
- Indicated by a megaphone icon, these messages are displayed at the top of the following modes: World, Town, Explore, Safe Room, Safekeeper’s Proposal, and Destiny’s Draw.
- You can disable this by using the Hide Bragging Notices option in Profile > Settings.
3. Safe Mission
- Added a fixed Key Point mission: Win in Journey Back 1 Time.
- This mission is automatically marked as completed once you reach VIP Level 12.
4. Expanded Gear Upgrade Cap
The Gear Upgrade cap has been expanded from T3 to T4.
- A piece of T3 Gear can be upgraded to T4 while it is equipped by a character whose current grade is Mythical or higher.
- Only the characters with respective character tags can equip T4 Gear. They also come with unique character effects.
- T4 Gear buffs have no specific alignments. It is impossible to reset eligible characters to receive these buffs.
- Gear Upgrade Material (T4) can be earned from Auto Search and Quick Search rewards starting from Chapter 33.
: Servers in Frontier Outskirts and Center of the Frontier have received updates.
- Frontier Outskirts: Multiple zones have been merged into one for each server.
- Center of the Frontier: Servers 1 through 52 have been merged into a total of 24 servers.
- The total number of Last Man Standing zones has been adjusted from 14 to 7 to accommodate this update.
: Several events now have spring themes to celebrate the upcoming spring season.
: The map length and play time of the Journey Back event have been reduced.
: Introducing Destiny’s Draw, an event where you earn Unknown Coins based on how many of your initially chosen numbers match the drawn ones.
- This event is accessible via Safe Room and Event.
- The event runs by rounds, with each round lasting for 3 days.
- You can participate in the event up to 50 times per round.
- One entry requires 1,000 Unknown Coins. You can choose to purchase Raffle Tickets for either automatic or manual entries.
- At the end of each round, five random numbers between 1 and 20 are selected. Prizes are awarded to 1st to 4th-place winners based on how many of your initially chosen numbers match the drawn numbers
: [New] Survival Record—Escape Plan—has been added, which is available only during the event.
: To celebrate the new survivor update, the Mysterious Survivor Kane event has been added.
: Vol. 13 [Heaven and Hell] has been added to Survival Record > Challenge Mode..
: The <1.23 Update Collection> has been updated, including the new events.
: Chapter Preview allows you to get a glimpse of the newly added chapter 51.
: Rewards for the 7-Day Login Event and the 14-Day Growth Support Event have been updated.
: For Version 1.23, we've revamped the rewards for the Town Management Event.
: For Version 1.23, we’ve revamped exchangeable items in Quench Your Thirst.
- Available after clearing the World Stage 1-12.
- Dice can be earned from the Event Pack and Daily Perk items.
- You can then exchange the Water Bottles earned from the event for Emily (W), May (Overseer), Leader Rick (Overseer), etc.
: Added a Special Pack and a Special Daily Pack.
: Improved the value of the Limited Pack.
: Updated the perks in the Quench Your Thirst! event and the items in Daily Perks.
: Limited Special deals have been added.
: Perks will no longer include Key Points.
[Character Updates]
(1) Yi-rang
- Fixed an incorrect ‘CRIT DMG UP’ floating text display upon triggering the Killer Gaze buff.
- Fixed an error that incorrectly calculated Yi-rang’s Personal Gear buff by taking the Warlord Team Passive into account if Yi-rang with +10 Personal Gear was teamed up with a Warlord character in a battle.
[Game System Update]
: The play speed in the Speed Card Battle event will now apply correctly throughout various resolutions.
: Cards will no longer appear to be missing in the Speed Card Battle event.
: For multi-team combats in Alignment Defense and general Camp Defense, Team 1’s combat records will be reset as intended when Team 2’s combat is abandoned while Team 1 has already won.
: While Limited Skins are on sale, their purchase period will no longer be displayed over general Skin offers.
: The Defeat screen will be displayed instantly as intended upon defeat in the Journey Back event.
: The Victory screen in the Journey Back event will no longer be closed abruptly as intended.
: Fixed an infinite loading error that occurred upon being defeated by overlapped zombies in the Journey Back event.
: Fixed an error that prevented starting PvP combats when initiating them using an Unknown character along with its bonded counterpart.
: You can no longer deploy two identical characters over multiple teams as intended in the Supply Run mode.
: During multi-team combats including an Unknown character, unbonded characters are no longer deployable simultaneously as intended.
: Summoned entities will now have their effects displayed correctly.
: The Bond feature will now display correctly upon enhancing an Unknown character’s Personal Gear in the Character Info screen or tapping the back button from the Training Grounds menu.
: When an Epic+ character is transferred in the Front Gate menu after forming a bond with an Unknown character, the Unknown character will no longer appear as the Epic+ grade, without any game freezing issues.