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Best tip

The best tip to obtain unknown coins is to look at all the advertisements that are offered to us once a day in different areas, and thus generate key points to open safes, so you have to know when we can see advertisements: 1.- See ads to change Group and Individual Deployment 2.- See ads for Get more border points 3.- See ads to change supply improvements 4.- See ad for a free recruitment 5.- See two ads to get a recruitment free hunt 6.- See ad to get firewood for the training ground 7.- See ad to upgrade the normal market 8.- See ad to upgrade the community market 9.- See ad to get a workshop crafting 10. - See ad to get an extra fight in group combat 11.- See ad to get double resources in quick search 12.- See ad to get more interaction points 13.- See ad to get extra prize in daily mission 14.- Watch ad to get 25 gold bars in Recharge 15.- Watch ad for extra reward in daily limited benefit 16.- Watch ad to get extra rewards in the events that are continuously updated in the game 17.- Finally the biggest reward for Making key points means having both missions in a safe room and thus we will collect many points to make the keys and open the safes. Fortunately the smaller safe gives us a lot of unknown coins so we can get quite a few of them by doing these steps every day.


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