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How to get unknown coins

Best way to get unknown coin is get vip lv 12 or buy the skip ads..
In game you need to finish your daily mission and open every ads inside the walking dead AllStars game.
You can follow my route to get all ads..
1. Open Quick search you'll see x2 reward ads
2. Open friend and you'll see interaction point ads 
3. Open perks > normal items tab you can claim all free ads 
4. Go to recruit, you can claim 1 free pull ads on all alignment recruit.. And 2 times ads on headhunt 
5. Go to community > joint combat > challenge Raider 3 times and you'll see 1 ads.
6. Go to workshop and you'll see ads craft video 
7. Go to trading post you can get 2 ads from normal and community tab by press reset button on top right.
8. Go to training ground you'll see process lumber ads on top left.. Also you can get one more ads by leaves one of your character from training ground check the images below

9. Go to frontier > claim your frontier reward and you'll get 1 ads

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