All-Stars Connection Week Recap & Adjustments Notice

Respond if you are out there!
Hello, Survivors!
Through the <All-Stars Connection Week Event>,
many of you Survivors have given us wonderful feedback regarding the game.
From your feedback, we were able to find out that the most difficult part of the game is stage progression
in the Chapters and that the insufficient amount of currencies and materials to upgrade your characters
keep you from progressing any further.
With your feedback and suggestions in mind,
we have some announcements to make regarding our future plans.
【#1 Most difficult content: Chapter Stages】
- 1. Stages: 52.8%
- - Drastic increase in difficulty after certain Chapter
2. Camp Defense / Alignment Defense: 29.2%
- Slow growth progression for characters in each Alignment
3. Center of the Frontier: 6.4%
- Lack of deck variety
- *We're preparing to make adjustments to other contents as well, so please bear with us!
【#1 Priority to address stage difficulty vote result】
- 1. Increase currency given for character progression (56.8%)
2. Adjust the difficulty of the stages themselves (43.2%)
【Adjustment Plans】
Our main goal is to support everyone to move a big step closer to Chapter 40 together.
We will prioritize supporting our Survivors with more currency; however,
the results of the vote were neck and neck, so we've decided to make adjustments both ways.
Please check the details of our support and stage adjustments down below.
[Growth Support]
- 1) More opportunities to recruit
- 1️⃣ Special Recruit Support Event Pt.1 (In Progress)
- 2️⃣ Special Recruit Support Event Pt.2 <Coupon Event Calendar> (In Progress)
2) Growth Material Support
- 1️⃣ Special Growth Support Event Pt.1 (Upcoming)
- 2️⃣ Special Growth Support Event Pt.2 (Upcoming)
3) Package Rework
After a survey regarding Stage difficulty through the All-Stars Connection Week event,
many of you have felt that purchasing packages did not help much in getting through
the difficult Stages. Therefore, we've decided to start reworking on some of the packages
that have currencies for growth.
[Stage Difficulty Adjustments]
We intend to make adjustments to later Chapters, which many of you are having a hard time progressing.
1) 4/18(v1.12) : Lower the least amount of CP required for Stages in Chapters 20~39 (Completed)
2) 5/4(v1.12.5) : Lower enemy levels in Chapters 20~40 (Upcoming)
3) Lowered enemy difficulty if progression isn't made after a while at a certain Chapter (TBD)
We are doing our best to come up with community events and coupon events
that may help you along the way. Events and stage adjustments that require the help of
our Devs need more time in order to check possible errors, so please be patient with us.
Apart from the suggestions regarding Stage difficulty, we are working to make
changes to other contents as well, so please keep that in mind.
Moreover, many of our Survivors have given us feedback regarding specific materials
that they lack of and are in need (i.e., Skill Manuals), so we intend to support you with
such materials as well.
We are always listening to everyone's feedback and reporting back to the developers,
so don't hesitate to leave us your thoughts on TWD: All-Stars.
This isn't the end of the “Connection Week” event, so do not worry.
We intend to keep the conversation going between us and our Survivors
to make changes to our games together.
The next upcoming Connection Week event will be about in-game
functions that need to rework for convenience purposes. If you have any suggestions
regarding the game's functions, then feel free to leave us a message on the next
All-Stars Connection Week Event!
Thank you.