Power balance for Frontier Search Event
Power balance for Frontier Search Event
The first thing is that my English is not good so there may be many mistakes. Thanks
It can be said that compared to the original, this is the worst mode in the TWD game that completely shows the pay to win when it doesn't need any pure battle or skill other than pay a lot to overwhelm the opponent.
I worry about the balance of this game when even the number of participants is limited when only people from Last Man Standing can participate.
Look at the players in the picture, the level gap makes them invincible. There is a huge gap between old and new players so the difference is huge but there is no balance for everyone to join. Why???
The things I would suggest are as follows:
1/ Power balance for Frontier Search Event is similar to how you balance Last Man Standing.
2/ Get everyone involved instead of just the people in Last Man Standing.
These are my contributions for the purpose of helping the game develop, not turning a strategy game into pure pay to win. Thanks.