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S8-Eugene is really good!

Eugene in many youtubers' tier list is just rank B, or A.
In my opinion Eugene is really better than lots of people said.
Skill 1: Retores HP(Prioritize comrades in the front) , example a comrades with 50000 HP Eugene can restore him over 50% max HP. He also cause damage to enermies near the scarecrow.

Skill 2: Eugene throws a recovery pack which restore comrade has the lowest HP, as well as nearby comrades, (Very effective in combat)

Skill 3: Eugene digs up a scarecrow behind the enermy in the backrow dealing (AoE) damage, taunting near by enermies for 3 seconds( really effective in combat, a lot of comrades in the back row is DPS, technican, ranger). Shane can buff shield to these scarecrow.

Skill 4:   Increase speed for the comrades has highest atk
(good for dps, technican, ranger)

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