[Notice] Recruiting TWD: All-Stars Reddit & Fandom Wiki Moderators

Hello, Survivors!
We are looking for moderators for our official Reddit & Fandom Wiki.
Moderators will be responsible for looking over The Walking Dead: All-Stars’ Reddit and Fandom Wiki pages.
If you are confident you know The Walking Dead: All-Stars like the back of your hand and believe you are the perfect fit, then we highly encourage you to apply!

Open Spots
- 5 People (* Subject to change)
- Must have a Reddit account.
- Must have a Fandom Wiki account.
- Must have a Discord account.
- Must have cleared at least up to Chapter 15 in the game.
- Must be knowledgeable about the game.
- Must be articulate in reading and writing English.
- Users with experience in moderating Reddit.
- Users with experience in writing Fandom Wiki pages.
Reddit Responsibilities
1. Supervise the subreddit and try to keep it moderated.
2. Make post updates about game events, updates, releases, etc.
3. Help players with game-related and account-related issues.
4. Collect player Suggestions and Bug Reports weekly to be submitted to the developers.
Fandom Wiki Responsibilities
1. Work with others to build and foster TWD: All-Stars Wiki.
2. Moderate posts uploaded by others.
Responsible Communities
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/twdallstars
Fandom Wiki: https://thewalking-deadallstars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_:_ALL-STARS_Wiki
- Reward in-game currency depending on the level of participation.
- Provide access to an exclusive moderator channel on Discord for communication with GM & CM.
* Moderator benefits may get revoked without warning in accordance with company policies.
Application Form: https://bit.ly/3T5w456
The form closes on 10/18 at 07:59 (PDT).
Good luck!